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Institute of Informatics
Miskolc, a city of hardworking might,
Where talents flourish and shine so bright,
Its people, so proud and full of grace,
Their passion for work is plain to trace.

A hub of knowledge, the University stands,
A place where minds meet and ideas expand,
In AI and tech, they delve so deep,
Their curiosity leading them to keep.

Institute of Informatics

University of Miskolc
Oh, the stories this city could tell,
Of its people's success stories so well,
Their grit and determination so rare,
Inspiring all those who visit there.

University of Miskolc

Faculty of M. E. and Informatics
From the mines to the mountains so high,
Miskolc's spirit will never die,
For it is the people who make it shine,
Their love for their city, a beautiful sign.

So here's to Miskolc, and its citizens so kind,
Their hard work and passion always on their mind,
May they continue to prosper and grow,
And be a source of pride, forever aglow.
Written by ChatGPT3

Faculty of M. E. and Informatics

The projects of the Institute of Informatics
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Institute of Informatics
  • University of Miskolc
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
  • Institute of Informatics
  • 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros
  • IT building

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