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 József Hatvany Doctoral School of Information Science



MAB code number: D39

Science field: Technical sciences

Science: Information science

Head of school: Dr. Jenő Szigeti, professor

Postal address

Hatvany József Doctoral School of Information Science
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros

Phone number

+36 46 565 111/18-36


Validity period of Doctoral School accreditation: March 29, 2024.

About József Hatvany

József Hatvany was born on November 18, 1926 in Budapest. He began his studies in Hungary, continued in England from 1938 and graduated as a physicist at Trinity College in Cambridge. He returned home in 1947. He first worked in the Free Trade Union of Hungarian Engineers and Technicians, then from 1948 as a university lecturer in the department of László Rudas at the Károly Marx University of Economics. From 1950, he was head of the Secretariat of the Central Office of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 1952, he was arrested and convicted on trumped-up charges. He was released from prison in 1956.

From 1956 he was a member of the Cybernetics Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, from 1960 he worked at the Central Research Laboratory of Measurement Technology, and from 1965 until his death at the Computing and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA-SZTAKI).

During the last period of his prison years, No. 401 of the Directorate of Public Interest Works, he designed digital automatics and machines in his office. Some of his inventions have been patented. He contributed to the creation of the first Hungarian computer in the Cybernetic Research Group. As a staff member of MTA-SZTAKI, his interest was focused on integrated systems of computer-aided design and manufacturing, production management. He is credited with the development of some tools and equipment that were of strategic importance for a long time in the era of opposing world systems and were on the embargo list (e.g. graphic display, multi-dimensional machine tool control suitable for the automatic creation of complex surfaces). He implemented the first domestic, directly computer-controlled, shared machine tool control, and the operational introduction of flexible production systems. His publications, which revealed the application possibilities of artificial intelligence methods in the field of mechanical engineering design and production, also caused a significant international response, pointing out some effective principles and methods for eliminating problems arising from incomplete knowledge.

He obtained his candidate of technical science degree in the late sixties. In recognition of his work, he was elected as a member of the USA National Academy of Engineering (1985), the International Institution for Production Research (CIRP, 1984); held various positions in the Society for Information Display (SID, 1971) and the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP, 1973).

He was a member of the Systems Engineering Committee of the Technical Sciences Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and was an official of the Mechanical Engineering Science Association (GTE) of the MTESZ and the Measurement and Automation Science Association (MATE).

From 1975 he taught at the Budapest University of Technology as a titular university professor. In 1985, the Institut National Politechnique de Toulouse elected him an honorary doctorate.

He was a member of the editorial board of several foreign journals (e.g. Computer Aided Design, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Computers and Graphics, Computers in Industry, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing).

He published more than 170 publications, two of which aroused great interest throughout the world (World Survey of Computer-aided Design, Computer Aided Design, 1977. No.2., pp.79-98. [co-authors: Newman, W. M. and Sabin , M.A.] and Computer-aided Manufacturing: an International Comparison, Washington, National Academy Press, 1981, 71p [co-authors: Yoshikawa, H. and Rathmill, K.].

In the 1970s and 1980s, Professor József Hatvany acted as a world-renowned expert in applied IT, including computer-integrated manufacturing, and in the tense political situation at the time, he did a lot to ensure that excellent Hungarian researchers in the field could access international forums and contacts in the most developed Western countries. He personally started many young researchers on the road to international success. His demandingness, his legendary level of English language skills, his insight into the essence, and the outstanding role he took on in educating young professionals all contributed to the fact that Hatvany school was already being talked about at his workplace, at the MTA-SZTAKI. Thanks to the decades-long professional relations with SZTAKI, which are still alive today, many professionals of the Budapest University of Technology and the University of Miskolc declared (and still declare) themselves Hatvany students.

The respect for the memory of József Hatvany and the love of former students resulted in the proposal to establish the József Hatvany Doctoral School of Informatics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Miskolc.


At the Hatvany József Informatics Doctoral School, the training area is necessary for the development and application of applied engineering sciences. It is related to IT specializations. The Scientific Doctoral Council operates within the framework of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, where the field of IT training is closely linked to mechanical and electrical engineering training. The Scientific Doctoral Council builds on the training of the following master's courses:

- master's degree in IT engineering;
- master's degree in electrical engineering;
- master's degree in logistics engineering.
As a result of this closer cooperation, the following areas of training are given a central role in the doctoral school:
  - Applied computer science subject area,
  - Production informatics, measurement and control technical information systems subject area,
  - Material flow systems and logistics IT subject area


The list of currently active students at the doctoral school can be found here.


The list of students who obtained degrees can be read here.


The official website of the doctoral school: