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Optimization of the Morpher Morphology Engine Using Knowledge Base Reduction Techniques

  •  Minősített cikkek
  • 2023-02-01 14:20:00
Morpher is a novel morphological rule induction engine designed and developed for agglutinative languages. The Morpher engine models inflection using general string-based transformation rules and it can learn multiple arbitrary affix types, too. In order to scale the engine to training sets containing millions of examples, we need an efficient management of the generated rule base. In this paper we investigate and present several optimization techniques using rule elimination based on context length, support and cardinality parameters. The performed evaluation tests show that using the proposed optimization techniques, we can reduce the average inflection time to 0.52 %, the average lemmatization time to 2.59 % and the number of rules to 2.25 % of the original values, while retaining a high correctness ratio of 98 %. The optimized model can execute inflection and lemmatization in acceptable time after training millions of items, unlike other existing methods like Morfessor, MORSEL or MorphoChain.

A teljes cikk innen tölthető le.




MLA: Szabó, Gábor, and László Kovács. "Optimization of the morpher morphology engine using knowledge base reduction techniques." Computing and Informatics 38.4 (2019): 963-985.

APA:  Szabó, G., & Kovács, L. (2019). Optimization of the morpher morphology engine using knowledge base reduction techniques. Computing and Informatics38(4), 963-985.

ISO690: SZABÓ, Gábor; KOVÁCS, László. Optimization of the morpher morphology engine using knowledge base reduction techniques. Computing and Informatics, 2019, 38.4: 963-985.


  title={Optimization of the morpher morphology engine using knowledge base reduction techniques},
  author={Szab{'o}, G{'a}bor and Kov{'a}cs, L{'a}szl{'o}},
  journal={Computing and Informatics},



