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Development of ontology-based model to support learning process in LMS

  •  Minősített cikkek
  • 2023-02-02 12:50:00
E-Learning is an important support mechanism for educational systems to increase the efficiency of the education process including students and teachers. The current e-learning systems typically lack the level of metacognitive awareness, adaptive tutoring, and time management skills and have not always met the expectations of the learners as required. In this study, we introduce a novel ontological model for the learning process in the e-learning domain. In the framework, we have built a domain ontology that represents knowledge of the learning, the outcome domain ontology covers the whole learning process. We focused on the learning process ontology model conceptualizing knowledge constructions, such as learning courses, and we present the created course and learning process ontology in detail. In this work, we considered three layers of learning process. The top layer defines a general framework of learning process, conceptual model layer, defines the framework of the actual process of the learning process and course ontology model contains the knowledge unit of the learning process. The prototype ontology is constructed in protégé and managed by Java web ontology language-application programming interface (OWL-API). As a result, our model can solve the problems of current e-tutor systems. Also, it can be used for different domain in e-tutor systems. It can reach the characteristics of standardization, reusability, flexibility, and open knowledge. By applying this model, we can avoid applying isolated databases. The constructed ontology can be used in the future to control adaptive intelligent e-tutor frameworks.

A teljes cikk innen tölthető le.




MLA: Ahmed, Ghanim Hussein Ali, and László Kovács. "Development of ontology-based model to support learning process in LMS." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24.1 (2021): 507-518.

APA:  Ahmed, G. H. A., & Kovács, L. (2021). Development of ontology-based model to support learning process in LMS. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science24(1), 507-518.

ISO690: AHMED, Ghanim Hussein Ali; KOVÁCS, László. Development of ontology-based model to support learning process in LMS. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021, 24.1: 507-518.


  title={Development of ontology-based model to support learning process in LMS},
  author={Ahmed, Ghanim Hussein Ali and Kov{'a}cs, L{'a}szl{'o}},
  journal={Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science},



